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Martin K. Martin K.
To put it frankly, a real gem of an accomodation. Imposing 1770s country house, lovingly and meticulously refurbished with impeccable taste, costly materials, antic furniture, art pieces - and still with omnipresent warm feel of traditional rural coziness. A multitude of possible and impossible amenities at your disposal, including hi-end audio, dozens of kitchen appliances, automated "smart home" lighting system, palatial bathroom facilities and even a real jukebox (old but working) - which makes additional fun if you decide to stay inside. Wonderful garden, quite spacious and extremely quiet. And Benedict, the owner, is a charming person, very welcoming and helpful. Overall, an unforgettable experience.
To put it frankly, a real gem of an accomodation. Imposing 1770s country house, lovingly and meticulously refurbished with impeccable taste, costly materials, antic furniture, art pieces - and still with omnipresent warm feel of traditional rural coziness. A multitude of possible and impossible amenities at your disposal, including hi-end audio, dozens of kitchen appliances, automated "smart home" lighting system, palatial bathroom facilities and even a real jukebox (old but working) - which makes additional fun if you decide to stay inside. Wonderful garden, quite spacious and extremely quiet. And Benedict, the owner, is a charming person, very welcoming and helpful. Overall, an unforgettable experience.... Collapse
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