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Sally S. Sally S. from San Francisco
This property has been beautifully and very thoughtfully renovated. We had a lovely vacation here with two adults and two teenagers. The property is a short walk to the public beach of lake Ammersee in the small picturesque town of Riederau. We had a car and were able to make a variety of outings in the area, some of which were suggested in the guest book at the property. We really enjoyed our time here and would definitely stay here again.
This property has been beautifully and very thoughtfully renovated. We had a lovely vacation here with two adults and two teenagers. The property is a short walk to the public beach of lake Ammersee in the small picturesque town of Riederau. We had a car and were able to make a variety of outings in the area, some of which were suggested in the guest book at the property. We really enjoyed our time here and would definitely stay here again.... Collapse
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Admin Reply by: Benedikt Schroeder
dear sally, Nice that you enjoyed your stay with us. We are very pleased about your lines and look forward to your honoring us again. The Gut Stohrerhof team
dear sally, Nice that you enjoyed your stay with us. We are very pleased about your lines and look forward to your honoring us again. The Gut Stohrerhof team... Collapse
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